Earn up to 5 credits during WVU's fully online, 3-week accelerated learning option. Registration opens Tuesday, March 11 at 9:00 a.m. ET.
Maymester and Summer Term cannot exceed 14 credits.
Earn up to 5 credits during WVU's fully online, 3-week accelerated learning option. Registration opens Tuesday, March 11 at 9:00 a.m. ET.
Maymester and Summer Term cannot exceed 14 credits.
Welcome to Maymester!
Registration opens Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. ET and closes Friday, May 9 at 4:00 p.m. ET.
Classes run May 12-30, 2025.
Everything you need to know about Maymester 2025.
Financial Aid:
Students who register for Maymester will have their aid eligibility evaluated* starting in mid-April if they meet the criteria for summer aid reviews. If eligible, aid for Maymester courses would be part of their summer financial aid offer.
* Please note that financial aid eligibility is based on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and other student aid requirements. Enrolling in Maymester could add a balance to your account. Students should review the Summer Financial Aid website for more information about summer aid eligibility.
Mark your calendar for these important Maymester dates!
Tuition bills post
Tuition bills due
4:00 p.m.
Last day to request to add courses
11:59 p.m.
Last day for students to drop without a "W"
11:59 pm.
Last day for students to withdraw
Memorial Day Recess
University offices closed
Last day of term
Grades due by noon from instructors and will roll out to student records in afternoon
For all technical support needs, the first point of contact is the ITS Service Desk. You can get assistance by visiting the Information Technology Services website, calling (304) 293-4444, or emailing to create a help ticket.
The ITS Service Desk is open:
For support related to Maymester registration, email